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Love is strange. It comes out of nowhere. There’s no logic to it. It’s not methodical. It’s not scientific. It’s pure emotion and passion. And emotion and passion can be dangerous because they fuel love…and hate. I’m now a reluctant connoisseur of both—an expert through immersion. I know them intimately. When I fell in love with Miranda, it was swift and blind. She was the person I’d elevated to mythical status in my head, in my dreams. Here’s the thing about dreams, they’re smoke. They’re spun as thoughts until they become something we think we want. Something we think we need. That was Miranda. She was smoke. I thought I wanted her. I thought I needed her. Over time reality crept in and slowly dissected and disemboweled my dreams like a predator, leaving behind a rotting carcass. Reality can be a fierce bitch. So can Miranda. And I can be a fool... who believes in dreams. And people. And love.


Kim Holden is such an awesome person, but holy bananas she loves putting her readers on an emotional rollercoaster with no safety harness. Don't worry - she gives hugs. Good ones. They're free. And you'll need one, or five, after reading So Much More. There are a lot of characters in this book. Many of them you will absolutely love, some you will be curious about, and one in particular you will want to punch in the throat. Sounds like the potential for a hot mess, right? Yet, Kim holds a magic pen, and with her confident yet humble style, she writes a story that is well developed and characters that are genuine in both their faults and strengths. The main narrative follows Seamus (YouTube: How to pronounce Seamus) and Miranda. Told in a alternating point of view, with Seamus' in the present and much of Miranda's in the past, the reader gets to experience a relationship fueled by the actions of a person so vile and poisonous that will leave you heartbroken and very ragey (ok, maybe that's just me). But Kim is smart, and her writing follows suit, so she weaves in humor and tenderness with dialogue and character quirks that soften that rage and open your heart to experience the love story that soon emerges. The connection between Seamus and Faith is one that is sweet and soul deep and it gives them both the courage to find acceptance in themselves and their personal and familial struggles. This review is hard, because while I did enjoy the characters and the writing, I still feel PRET-TY mad. But I think my point is, is that I felt every single emotion. I cried, I laughed (Rory, you are my hero), I got mad, I forgave. For an author to bring all these feeling out of a reader, she must be someone pretty brave who does epic shit. Please, don't even get me started on the playlist. All. The. Feels. If you're a Kim fan, its a must read. If you're a fan of hugs, its a must read. If you're a fan of emotional stories, its a must read. Its so much more than a must read.

ABOUT KIM HOLDEN (via her cute AF website)

Some of my favorite things:

Reading (YA or New Adult), writing (especially on a productive day), the two coolest guys on the planet (my husband and son), my bicycle (hand built by my husband), Facebook (it’s an addiction at this point), iced coffee (hazelnut from McDonalds), and music (LOVE Sunset Sons, the 1975, Dredg, the xx, Balance and Composure, Teenage Bottlerocket, Manchester Orchestra, and 30 Seconds to Mars).

I also love dreaming. Big. Writing a few years ago was an elusive dream until I grabbed a hold of it with both hands and refused to let go. Keep chasing YOUR dreams …

Want more? Find me on Facebook or Goodreads.

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